Saturday, January 21, 2012

Ramping Up

Well, this is a strange feeling. The time draws nearer, and I feel a bit like someone throwing a party. I'm filling up the balloons, taping up the streamers, getting the centerpieces ready and checking on the hors d' oeuvres. All in the hopes that someone will arrive! It's an interesting moment. I've been with the characters and these stories for a very long time now. So it's strange that the time is swiftly approaching that will see them released to the world. I'm not so much worried that everyone will like it. I know enough that not everyone will. I just hope enough people actually find it.

Self-publishing through Amazon feels like the right thing to do. I decided to do it about a year ago. But let's face it, it's hard to get any momentum behind a book even if you're with a major publisher. I'd like to think part of it is the quality of the book, but part of it is just good promotion and a lot of luck. So, yes, part of my fear is that I'll throw the party and no one will come.

But you know what? If such a thing were to happen, it's still going to be one hell of a party. I've ensured that by writing a book that I really, really like. I would read this book. I would enjoy this book. And I'm not exactly easily pleased. That's always been my main impulse and my main benchmark for quality. I suppose, typing that now, this could be somewhat egotistical. But I know such an approach doesn't mean everyone will like it. But I hope most do. I feel like if you do something you enjoy then you're sure to connect with some people, right?

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