Wednesday, February 22, 2012

GoodReads Q&A Group

Hello everyone! Or the two of you. Actually, I have no idea how many people read this. In any case, I wanted to let you know that a GoodReads Q&A Group is now live and there you can ask all those burning questions about the Grace & Witherbloom series, the individual books or (should you for some reason be interested) me.

Right now it's very funny as I'm the only member. I'm not TOTALLY sure how many people will actually have any questions at this point, but hey it's there for future use if nothing else.

Things have gone very well in the Witherbloomiverse (remind me not to use that word again) the last few days. The third book was released and some very nice reviews are coming in from Amazon for the first and second books. There are some very nice ratings on GoodReads as well. Sales-wise things are going well (thank you for your support!) and seem to be fairly steady. It's exciting that there are already sales of book 3 considering a lot of people may not have gotten to the first book yet. I know how it is with some readers. I'm one of them.

Funnily enough, writing this book has really got me wanting to read some of the books I've got sitting around (either in real life or in my Kindle) and I think I may have to start cracking them open in between doing final read-throughs on future books. I find it strange sort of side-effect, but writing these books has made me realize I don't read nearly as often as I used to or would like to.

Also, I really want to play Skyrim. But I am afraid to until all the books are done and launched. I hear Skyrim will steal away your life if you are not careful. And, I have Mass Effect 3 pre-ordered... so...

The lesson is, there really should be more non-working hours in the day so I can read and play video games.

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